
Rice Paper Production

Jiajiang bamboo paper

60% today's rice paper in China is produced in Jiajiang, a hilly country at the northern foot of Emei Mountain, Sichuan. Known about around the 8th century, papermaking in Jiajiang grew into full-scale production in the 12th century, feeding the need of printing paper in neighboring Meishan, one of the largest feudal publishing venture. To the beginning of the 20th century, there were as many as 5,000 family-owned paper mills in Jiajiang with more than half of its population engaged in papermaking, producing 140 varieties of bamboo paper. Unable to compete with modern manufacturing industry, most paper mills were closed by 1970s. To save the traditional craft, State Council listed it The National Immaterial Culture Heritage in 2006.

Jiajiang, or Twin River, is rich of resources in bamboo. The crop of bamboo starts from May when young plants grow into full size.
It takes three months to make fine sheets of papers from bamboo culms.

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