Rice Paper

Window Covering

Shoji paper

Home is relaxing retreat shut off from the rest of the world. By a deft use of light and space, Eastern interior design can bring refinement, comfort, and practicality to your home. In China and Japan, homes are frequently designed with lattice window covered with rice paper. The translucent paper diffuse natural light entering the room, creating a very serene and peaceful atmosphere. Throughout the day, as the light changes, so will the atmosphere. The interior of Eastern home is sometimes divided by either folding or sliding paper screen. The translucent screen not only determine the look of an interior, it also draws in warm and soft light.

Chinese window

Japanese shoji screen

How to

Rice Paste.   Both Chinese and Japanese use rice paste for window paper. The homemade paste dries transparent and its consistency and drying time ease application. You may use thinned Elmer's glue as a substitute, which also dries transparent and can be cleaned up by a wet towel.

  1. Wash regular rice with cold water, until the water is clear. Drain the rice 12 hours and cover it with a damp cloth to prevent drying up.
  2. Put the rice into a cooking pot filled with water, and bring the water to the boil. Turn the heat down to the lowest setting and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  3. Filter the porridge by a cheese cloth while it is still warm. The best paste is from well-cooked rice, not too watery nor too thick.

Rice paper has a smooth side which should face out wen the paper is applied to the window. Start from the bottom of the window and let the paper overlap on the latticework like shingles. This will prevent collecting dust on the seams. If the window frame has a fancy rabbet recess for paper, which is usually one lattice thickness, align the paper at the edge. Apply the paste lightly on frame and lattice by a wide brush. Try not make mess on the side of the latticework. Using a clean duster or the like sweep the paper onto the window. When overlapping is necessary, cover the stile and rail just one lattice thickness. The seams can be a beautiful pattern if they are carefully arranged.

The edge of paper

Mending torn paper.   When paper is torn during the year, the torn area can be replaced with a piece of new paper along the grid. If it happened in the middle of the grid, paste a paper cut over the ripped area. This will result in a watermark effect.

  Rice Paper

  Make Your Own


  Relief Printing
  Western Art
  Paper Cut
  Window Covering